Thursday, 11 November 2021

Australians, Australian Christians, and the shape of water

There's a strong theme of "Australians care about Australians (only)" in our politics, right now. Honour, decency, generosity, thoughtfulness, can all be discarded with the glib phraseology of "For Australia and Australians". It's an alarming mentality of self-interest, particularly coming from a self-admitted Christian PM and the party that conservative Australian Christianity has (at least at a hierarchical leadership level) hitched its wagon to.

Water takes on the shape of that which it inhabits. If we inhabit a space where political expedience says that our yes need not mean yes, (and a woman's no need not mean no), then after a while it's not longer political expedience but who we are.

I am aware that many Christians are worried about religious freedoms and privileges and will vote with that in mind in the coming elections (local and federal).

Me? I'm more worried about who Australians - including Christian Australians - are becoming as a people: the behaviour we espouse in our leaders, the things we'll allow in the name of holding onto our political rights and freedoms.