Tuesday 15 June 2021

Not Our Problem

I don't actually believe your average Australian wants asylum seekers (colloquially known as "illegals") shot in the head above a shallow grave so they're not a problem anymore.

I do believe your average Australian wants Someone Else to do it Somewhere Else Where We Can't See so it's Not Our Problem.

I mean, our entire society - social and economic - is built on It's Not Our Problem - from the comforts of capitalism (and it's underlying necessity of economic slavery) to the avoidance of the idea that the problem is us (thank you, G.K. Chesterton for such succinct phrasing).

So, yeah, I think that if most Aussies could handwave the Murugappan family into a shallow grave somewhere with a "so sad, so sorry, they brought it on themselves, we're not responsible" they absolutely would.