Wednesday, 18 May 2016


I am ridiculously blessed.

I know this, but sometimes it's just nice to remember.

(Yes I am saying this as the second of a double dose of panadeine/codeine wears off. Blame it on the drugs.)

The tooth extraction went well, so far as we know. The surgeon had to do a bone graft to get the implant in and I have x-rays this morning. At 5am the next morning (right now), the pain has reduced to a dull throb, but there's no seeping blood or pus so far as I can tell - maybe it'll take a few more days?

But I am reminded of how I am surrounded by love all around me.

My stepdad drove me to the appointment. My mum picked me up. My sister was willing to divert from going directly to her evening bible study to bring me yoghurt if I wanted it. A bunch of friends - Some chronic pain sufferers, some medical professionals themselves - advised alternatives if the codeine didn't work. My uncles (doctors) are willing to prescribe me stronger stuff if I need it, but a local friend is willing to slip me some if I can't get it in a timely manner. My bible study leader texted me saying she was thinking of me and could she bring me a meal, two nearby RL friends offered errand services, and another friend is going to call tomorrow since she's in another state and can't come by for snacks and snarks. I know several people who are praying for me since they're too far away to do practical things, but if they were close by I'd probably be swimming in soup. Maybe it's just as well that they're halfway across town! And my online friends have been very supportive and encouraging through the last six months of my health-tagged postings.

I whine a lot. Over really small things. I know people who struggle through life - even unto death. Not just Cousin T, but another friend I was remembering the other day - A - who died in the late 00s of a congenital defect that shouldn't have let her survive childhood, let alone halfway through her twenties. She was also a faithful Christian and I have no doubt that she, like T, is rejoicing in a body that works as it's supposed to, doing things that she never could in life - walking, running, moving freely instead of confined to a wheelchair.

Friends of mine live with chronic pain and/or depression, illnesses that limit them - that mean they need an aide to do anything - occasionally including getting out of bed, families they can't rely on. Not all of them have the certainty of the love of those around them, let alone the certainty of God's love - this life is all they have and they will cling to it with their (in some cases literally) dying breath.

And here I sit, surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, as Paul said, many of whom I could call up and ask a favour. And that's a blessing that I frequently discount.

So, praise be to the LORD of all understanding,
You have given me grace,
You have made my spirit whole in you,
You have set who I am to be before me,
You see me in glorious perfection - washed clean of my sin
Even when I fail.
My salvation is in you;
I can't do it alone.

Praise be to the LORD of relationships,
For a family who are the truth of human family,
For friends who are the truth of human friends,
For their prayers and their concern and their love-in-action.

Praise the LORD, oh my soul.

1 comment:

  1. T used to sing this song to Lucas "Count your blessings name them one by one..."
    Sending virtual hugs and shedding real tears, glad you're well supported
