It's been a quiet few weeks as the issues settle down.
1. The tooth is not entirely 'healed' - it still feels a little swollen in that part of the gum, the tooth itself feels not secure, a little 'squishy' when I bite down on it.
2. The diet has helped the RHS tingling, but the swelling remains, with no indication of why it's happening.
3. About three weeks ago, I noticed a kind of grinding noise when I turned my head from side to side, like little pieces of sand or gravel rubbing against each other where my spine met my skull. There's a sensation to it; it's not painful, just...I can feel the movement, the way I can't.
4. Still getting some aches of the skull and jaw; tension in the neck, etc.
I'm seeing a chiro for #3. Not sure it's getting better. I spoke to my GP (uncle) and he indicate it was probably old age. It's a little disconcerting, though, to hear your bones (probably bones) grinding against each other - and wondering if that's why I've got the swelling in the hand and the foot - the neural/paraesthesia issue.
I'm seeing the endodontist on Monday to start dealing with the tooth that has the chronic infection above it (the 17 molar). And I'm just hoping that this time it's as pain-and-stress free as the last one wasn't. I have an appointment with an oral surgeon the week after, just in case I need the 17 removed entirely. And hopefully dealing with the 17 and the infection will end the aches in the jaw and skull (right hand side) , the swelling in my hand and foot (right hand side) will subside.
Hopefully. If it's God's will.
That's a hard thing to say. What if God's will isn't what I want? And yet, if we serve God, then His will is what we want to execute.
And speaking of God's will...
One of the things I've found in April is that it can be really easy to remember God in the little things of life, but really hard to change habits. I can remember to pray while washing the dishes or hanging out the clothes - small things to remind me to give thanks, to say sorry, to pray for people - but actually sitting down and reading the bible? Difficult. Really really difficult. As much because I fear what God has to say to me and how it will change my life.
It's a terrible cowardice. One which we all face at times; and difficult to overcome. And it kind of has to be overcome again and again and again.
I'm reading 1 Corinthians with a friend - we're studying it this year with a book by a guy called Vaughn Roberts - Pure Spirituality.
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