Friday 31 May 2024

the future of the church

My church had a meeting about a building project - improvement on the current buildings to incorporate a more 'traditional style auditorium' (one large enough for 400 people and better to have weddings in) - and it was...interesting.

I'm not going to talk about the money involved, but about where I see the future of The Church, not just the future of this church (although obviously the church I'm attending will also be mentioned and referenced as part of The Church).

The church I attend is 100 years old. At some point in the 60s, the 'traditional style church building' that the church must have been meeting in got rebuilt to a somewhat mid-century-modern A-frame building. In the mid-00s, with the church growing through the next gen of kidlets of the faithful, they rebuilt whatever building had been used out the back for a Sunday School and general education centre, and turned it into a centre specifically for education - high ceilings, divisible rooms, storage spaces all along the sides. There was a space for an early childhood learning centre downstairs and a small kitchenette and 'mothers' room' upstairs.

The current set of buildings served all four church services (8am traditional, 10am family, 5pm family modern, 7pm youth modern) up until COVID. Then there wasn't enough space in the old A-frame church building for everyone to fit in, and so 10am, 5pm, and 7pm set up in the 'education centre' with the dividing panels folded away. The kids programs are held in the various rooms and spaces around the church during 10am and 5pm, but 8pm refused to move from the A-frame, so they get set up every week special.

Some of the services are getting bigger. 10am is regularly running into 'overflow spaces', but 7pm is also bursting at the seams. And people don't want to move services and lose their congregational community. I understand that. I haven't been in a church service in months now and the weekly bible study groups and the occasional trivia night gatherings are very much keeping me connected.

I understand the reasons for the desire to build bigger, but some of the underpinnings of those reasons are not concepts that I accede to, or at least, not the way the church board does.

Firstly: the myth of unending growth. The last 40 years have seen unprecedental global, economic, and population growth, and up until about 10 years, an unthinkable social stability. But that can't continue forever; we're running out of oil, we're running out of resources. Our society - our communities - are fraying at the edges. Fearmongering, frustration, the internet, and the social media algorithm are wedging us into smaller and smaller groups.

That isn't going to get better. Not now, not in the next twenty years. Not so long as people cling to the idea that we can get back to the boom years (really, the Boomer years). We are going off-road, baby, and there ain't no maps into this land. Now is not a time to be building up, but to be reinforcing what we have and improving our social connections.

Modern western Christians have a bad habit of thinking that the 'ever onwards and upwards' is going to be a thing forever - most likely because we're steeped in modernity and western thinking and it's hard to step outside of that. We like to cite 'Judgement Day' or the day when time will stop and all things will be made new, but apart from general evangelistic fervour, we live (and vote) as though this world doesn't matter.

Secondly: the myth of church growth. Globally, Christianity across the world has held stable for the last 40 years. However, the number of people IDing as Christians in the west are decreasing while the number of people IDing as Christians in the Global South is increasing.

My church is Anglican. It's in the name. It's a Church of England church. Which means it does things a certain way. Holds certain views. Enshrines certain perspectives.

Those perspectives are not going to hold for the next 40 years. We are going to become a minority, which means - if we want to be effective in ministry - we should be spending money working out how to reach sectors of society which the Anglican church of Australia has been generally kind and loving towards but which is wary of them in authority and leadership.

Notably, the Sydney Diocese is current led by an Archbishop who is of Sri Lankan background, who started off Hindu before he converted. This is definitely a good start, but cross-cultural ministry absolutely needs to be more of a thing, not only in our mission statements but in where we put our money and our leadership authority.

At the meeting, I brought this point up. Perhaps a little baldly: "one does not send a man accustomed to harvesting wheat to harvest sugarcane". I got a few laughs, but I think I also made my point, albeit not as thoroughly as I wanted to.

In essence: we are an Anglican church. We are Anglicised in our manner and our practices. And while we say that the gospel is relevant to and needed across all nations, the points of emphasis and comprehension will adjust according to the culture's understanding. We see this in none other than biblical translation - when a woman, when a black African, when a black American, when a native Malaysian translates the bible, the things they see in the words of Christ shift in importance.

Our current bible is written to emphasise male leadership and authority and to de-emphasise female leadership and authority. The translation of the role of historical women of the church as 'assistants' or 'helpers' rather than 'disciples' or even 'apostles'. The reduction of 'I shall make a shieldmate for him' to 'I shall make a helper for him' in the Genesis account.

It's translated so that 'homosexuality' is the word used almost universally for a number of practices that had no correlation to modern same-sex attraction and marriage, and for which we have no modern equivalent.

Even terms that encapsulate concepts that we might argue haven't changed from then to now don't match the ancient world's perspective: 'marriage' as translated from the bible doesn't really have a concept of a woman joining to a man but still remaining her own person and legal individual, with rights to her property (and his) and to the children of her body. Women weren't people, and so – in the most basic form – marriage was the passing of property and inheritance with a person as the passage.

So my church - conservative, Anglicised, with a typically western way of thinking is most certainly not intrinsically equipped to deal with an increasingly unChristianised west, and an increasingly Christian Global South - unless we're going for a White Messiah complex.

TBH, I think at this point, the best thing Christians in the west can do is to shut up and do the work of bringing in the Kingdom in anything except words. Anything that doesn't involve offering proselytisation. If they ask, by all means. But we're going to have to be something really special for them to ask and we don't have it in us, not yet. Not when the changemakers of the world are largely atheists and agnostics and while your average Christian in the neighbourhood is too busy fighting for the status quo.

That's my thoughts anyway - they're not borne out by any research or any foreknowledge. Nothing from the last eighty years will back me up – although all the scientific evidence points to our world changing dramatically in almost every aspect of life - but the next eighty years of our society, our world, will be nothing like the eighty years before that and nothing like the hundreds before that.

We have to live with it. We have to learn to live in it. We have to learn to love in it.

The current Anglican church of Australia is not as ready for this as they think they are. What too many are still dreaming of is a Billy-Graham-esque conversion of thousands of westernised Australians to Christianity, with attendant social influence, ethics, mores, and morals. They dreamed this back in the late 90s, with a movement (from America, I think) called 'The Harvest', where we were going to reach 10% of the Sydney Diocese for Christ...

That movement failed; people went, but it wasn't what they wanted. That world they wanted was already shifting and changing. The people they thought they could reach had heard it all before and their hearts were hardened.

We're not going to get those soft hearts back.

I don't think we can rewrite the church-as-a-concept's role as a villain in contemporary society. Our society's memory via the lingering records of global technology is now too long for most people to trust us when the church leaders say "but trust us, we're the good guys sent on a mission from God!" The records might not show the majority experience, but those that were hurt by abuse or rigidity or "excommunication" do not forget how they were betrayed or left by the wayside, and they are not quiet.

What we can do is individually and in our local Christian collective (ie. "church") is rewrite how the people around us - the people we interact with and the secular communities we live among - see the church and Christians. And that might mean running counter to the expectations people have of the church when it comes to peripheral matters, whatever those expectations are.

A point was brought up by a guy I know about our church becoming what I'm going to term a "vampire church" (not the phrase he used): basically a big church that pulls believers from other churches, enriching itself at the cost of others. Which nobody wants, but which does tend to happen - the more resources, the more social energy, the more everything a church has, the more that other people's heads get turned and they come and want to stick around in The Church Where It Happens.

That's not something we want to be. It's not something that any minister wants but the risk is always there, particularly as the young ones go to churches where things are happening and end up staying there.

Basically, I don't know that they've convinced me to put my money towards this, and the one question that I'd like to know is not going to be either asked or answered: what would it take to stop this work from going ahead?

Wednesday 17 April 2024

death, taxes, and partisanship

The phrase "lest we forget" is usually spoken in terms of "don't forget what was sacrificed for your freedom", talking about the human costs of war.

I don't think many people know it originally from the Rudyard Kipling poem that took its echoes from a passage in Deuteronomy: "don't forget what God has done before your eyes, for you and your children's children".

And the word 'freedom' itself is a slippery word, like a tame bear, meant to dance to whatever beat the ringmaster chooses. Mostly it seems to be used to mean "I can do anything I want without recourse to anyone I consider lesser than me", which is really the old adage of "freedom for the master, but not for the slave". My sense of freedom includes those who are socially, physically, mentally lesser than me; if they don't have the freedom to act, neither do I. I am they, and they are me, but for the randomicity of where I was born, who I was born to, what gifts I was given.

I love my life, I'm so grateful for everything I have. I've made much WITH it, but so much more of it was GIVEN to me by the grace of God (or random chance for my atheists/agnostics). And yes, I do a lot of things - I live like I'm running out of time (to misquote the lyrics of 'Hamilton'), because we are running out of time. Today, next week, next year, next decade, next century: our number eventually comes up.

"Death and taxes" goes the old joke. I don't mind death, although I'd like it to be fast and as painless as possible. And I have no objection to taxes, which I consider a reminder to do unto others as I would have others do unto me. And, which I pay gladly, because I actually believe in a society that doesn't just mouth the words "equality of humanity" but actually acts on it insofar as we are able, and I'm willing to put my money where my heart is. (Same reason I tithe to churches, and give to charities.)

I can't give others the security of family they can trust, the physical health and drive that I enjoy (slowly eroding with age), the bodily integrity that I was granted by the men and women around me, the society that I was born into where I am a person with legal rights and the right to legal independence, the faith that assures me I am a reflection of the image of God. It's not within my power to change those random throws - only to point out that it's random. But it is within my power to level the playing field where possible. To enable those swept off their feet by circumstance the financial space to find their feet. To enable those who have no feet to manoeuvre their wheelchair into the same spaces that I do.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

every man's battle

Intriguing that many male pastors like taking the line that "sexual lust" is supposedly a man's most desperate battle of sinful nature. Frankly, given men, masculinity, and 'maleness as defined by society', I'd think that this article detailing the list of the benefits (yes, *benefits*) of domestic violence would surely be a far more insidious and dangerous battle for the souls of men - in our churches and out of them.

Abusive Men Describe The Benefits Of Violence.

Fair warning: it's a harrowing read.

SHORTLIST (the actual list in the article is much longer)
Feeling superior
Don't have to change for her
She feels less worthy so defers to my wants and needs
Ego booster
Buy the toys I want
Take time for myself
Don't have to listen to her complaints
Don't have to help out
Answer to nobody
Proves your superiority
Win all the arguments
Have someone to unload on

Perhaps apart from 'respect', I would say that none of these are godly desires. Also, none of them are necessarily gendered. (Note: sexual lust doesn't have to be necessarily gendered either.)

And even 'respect' can be an ungodly desire depending on how you're defining it. (Does 'respect' mean "to treat like an authority"? Or does 'respect' mean "to treat like one made in God's image"? Because when men accuse people of "disrespecting" them, what they usually mean is that the person doesn't kowtow to them as an *authority*.)

And maybe it's just because there isn't anyone who has even the vaguest right to demand my sexual availability to him (nb: I don't believe a husband has the right to demand his wife's sexual availability either, but that's a conversation for another day), but I'm a helluva lot more worried about the list of benefits being a sirens' call to the men I know than I am about their lustful thoughts.

Thursday 20 April 2023

a variety of thoughts for the last few months

As someone who doesn't fit into any 'traditional groups' regarding social status, I'd like a word.

I'm a never-married female; in previous generations, I had a very distinct rank and it was on the bottom. Possibly the only people lower on the social rungs by gender and marital status would have been intersex folk who perhaps couldn't get married for biological/physiological reasons.

What people want - singles, LGBTQIA+, women, abuse survivors - more than anything, is to know there's a place for them in society. They want to know that there is a soft landing for them, people who won't care what happened to them, what they are. That they will be acceptable, included, affirmed as worth caring for.

We - as a society, as churches, as Christians - are bad at this. We are AWFUL at it. And I say this as someone with a supportive, loving family behind her: I still live in fear that the people at my church will kick me out for "bad thinking". Let's not even go into "doing the 'wrong' thing by conservative Christian lights". God is Love, His church is not so great at it. And if I can think that - as someone who generally follows the rules and is generally considered "acceptable" when it comes to being, personhood, and lifestyle - then I have zero surprise that people think Christians in churches are judgemental and would kick them out the instant they stepped out of line.

This desire to know there's a place for them applies to everyone: to never-married women in churches, to trans and intersex people throughout society, it applies to anyone whose sexuality is been publically unacceptable in our modern society, it applies to refugees and to immigrants, to indigenous peoples, to caste/class outcasts, and to those whose skin colour makes them everything from unwelcome to a threat.


A lot of conventionally taught Christianity tends to be antithetical to this: "you must be [this] and [this] and [that] and then God will accept you". The strand of Christianity that 


Today's thought, brought to me by someone on Twitter:

"People who sow to partisanship can only reap mistrust of anyone outside their group. So if someone who is 'progressive' speaks out against abuse by conservative leaders in the church, partisans would rather tolerate abuse than align with progressives."

While this isn't an Australian Evangelical "brand" precisely, there's still going to be a lot of defensiveness about the theology of the leader, a lot of noise about what's been said from the pulpit (but perhaps not practiced in truth), a lot of dismissal of women and the "coloureds" who recognise abuse and speak out against it, to their own detriment.

And what does our defensiveness gain, in the end? Self-satisfaction at having backed the "correct" theologian, maybe? Entrenchment in the belief that "other denominations/belief systems fail, but ours is a shield against evil"? Reassurance that we haven't fallen to "wokeness" or "social justice" over the primacy of the gospel being teached and preached?

The problem I see with "the primacy of the gospel" is that we can talk about the love of Christ until we're blue in the face, but if we can't love people in a way they recognise as care, then all our protestations that this is the "proper, correct, and godly way to love" mean nothing.



I am exceedingly aware of my luck to have been born in a time when I am considered a person (not property) with legislated rights (even if bigotry still hampers my personal living), in a family that is loving and generous and has space for difference, with the personal and societal ability to be financially independent.

That said, I'm also aware that I'm quite likely the last generation of women who'll have this for some time - financial independence is a pipe dream for most women younger than me at the very least, and the steady removal of a woman's legislated right to bodily autonomy is going to trap many women into a financial and social situation where ending up as someone's junior wife might very well be more personally acceptable than struggling through life with a child she doesn't really want. (Maybe one of the other wives will be more maternal?)

My observation is that we middle-class Christians underestimate people's adherence to moral standards when life becomes materially untenable and they have little to no hope of material better. The whipoorwhill of eternity is easily lost beneath the clamouring rasp of one's own struggle to breathe. The promise of spiritual benefit after death is not something that our present society - materialistic and scientifically-oriented - can comprehend or trust, and particularly not when the people doing the promising are seen as the ones comfortably well-off, who've never had to make a harder decision than whether to take the family interstate rather than oversease for the holiday break.

Thursday 30 March 2023

the choice to let it go through to the keeper

It's also worth noting what we - as a culture and as The Church - let past the keeper.

Sexual assault? Infidelity? DV? How much protest have players-from-the-faith made regarding their team-mates accused and found guilty of such?

When Christians get picky about what aspects of faithful adherence we're going to support, we betray the character of God - and not in a "reveals" kind of way.

In a way, Christians taking a stand "against Pride" is as much showing off as the NRL putting pride stripes on their jerseys for inclusiveness. And it begs the question: do we really care about standards of godliness? Or just about our public stance on particular issues?

It is, in fact, a very confronting thing to realise that I could never lift a finger to help the needy or lonely or struggling again, and it would not change my state of grace.

BUT. It would change my brain chemistry, the part of me that learns to do new things by doing things, that learns possibilities by making mistakes, that goes out and tries harder, leans out and hopes not to overbalance.

Sunday 12 March 2023

never-married and church culture

Having feelings today.

Sometimes I feel piteously grateful that the women at church include me in anything. It's a good church with good people, but the truth is that in modern Christianity a never-married woman in her mid-40s is more likely to be considered a threat and liability than a friend.

Married couples with kids? No problem.

Women whose husbands are dead or left? All good.

But an unmarried woman tends to get left off the invite list. 

I imagine the reasons vary from "Who would we pair her with?" to "What if she takes a fancy to someone's husband?" And if they've been taught the 'women are walking temptations which men cannot resist, and always willing and interested in a man' beliefs of 90s Christian dating, attraction, and sexuality advice, then good luck to her around any couple where the wife isn't 100% sure of her husband.

I like people. People include men. It includes married men. There are guys I count as friends and guys I'd like to count as friends. (They're interesting people; I always like befriending interesting people.) Doing either is painfully fraught with a lot of gender schtick - not the risk that I'll do something or he'll do something, but that people will smear either of our reputations.

Friday 23 December 2022

incompetent men jokes

I gotta say, I never yet met a "men are incompetent" joke that didn't make me exceedingly glad to have never been tempted by marriage.

Classic example: the joke that guys have only started preparing for Christmas today.

Meaning end of year details, teacher gifts, decorations, arranging who's going to be where for which meal, shopping preparation, meal preparation, gift selection and preparation, cards to family, etc., etc., etc., have all been done by one partner and the likelihood is high that they don't have no penis.

"Helping" does not cut the mustard, either. Increasing the load on your partner by deferring all the decisions and effort to her when it comes to major family interactions "because she's the boss, hur hur"?

Maybe I was taught a REALLY WEIRD STRAIN of Christianity, but I learned that Christ came to lessen our burdens not add to them.

And so "As Christ To The Church" is perhaps one of the most violated precepts I have ever seen: week in, week out, year in, year out, for as long as they both shall live.